Top 10 Invention that Should be Created for the Internet

Suggested by SMS

The internet and technology in general has come a long way in the past 50 years. The jaws would undoubtedly drop on the greatest minds of the 17th century if they could see how far our society has come. With every great invention people still mourn for enhancements, faster, more accurate, more features, or even less expensive. With that in mind, the Top Ten Inventions that Should Be Created For the Internet are as follows:

10. Auto-drivers


Imagine the days of pulling out maps, driving around looking for a parking space, and stopping to ask strangers for directions are over. In this world, you simply plug your desired destination into your car’s online computer, and your car is guided, via satellite, to your intended location. Long gone are the days of traffic, stress, and road rage, as “drivers” kick back and enjoy movies or internet access while their cars, along with all others on the roads, constantly adjust their speeds to avoid creating gridlock. What’s more, drivers and passengers are chauffeured to the front doors of malls, grocery stores, and doctor’s offices, while their car parks itself. When they are ready to return home, a simple click of the key fob recalls their car to pick them up. What’s more, the mortality rate for drivers is almost non-existent, as an army of sensors, lightning-quick reflexes, and the car’s ability to maneuver defensively to avoid collisions make traffic accidents a thing of the past. 

9. Personalized Advertising

To some extent, we see a fair amount of personalized advertising already. Online advertising services have adapted software to display ads tailored to the demographics of those who most read certain websites, and online vendors, such as, make individualized recommendations for their customers based on their browsing and purchase history. In the future, all advertising will be tailored to the individual. Imagine walking into a grocery store to see a holographic image of items that you frequently purchase that are on sale. Clothing stores could display images of customers in the latest fashions, making recommendations based on a customer’s size, shape, and past purchase history. During the holidays, deciding what to purchase for loved ones is as simple as logging onto a website that identifies items, new and old, which would most likely make welcome gifts. The days of forgetting to get milk at the grocery store would be long over, as your personal advertising agent could “remind you” not to leave the store without making sure you don’t need certain items. Rather than creating ad campaigns that appeal to the masses, the new frontier in advertising is tailoring ads to the individual.

8. Real-Time Language Translation


The communication barrier has been broken. You don’t need to say “excuse me,” “what did you say?” or “I beg your pardon,” because you will own headphones or earplugs that will have a direct connection to the internet, translating every word your partner is saying and vice versa. You can now marry a person without ever learning their native language. Try to wrap your mind around even understanding the language of animals or insects. Someday it may even be possible to understand what a baby is saying. Can it be done? Technically yes, all organisms have a way of communicating with each other. There is no reason why we can’t learn that language and catalog it in a database for real-time translation. 

7. Build-A-Pet


Do you suffer from allergies that make owning pets difficult? Do you wish to re-create a certain mixed breed of dog that reminds you of one you had as a child? Do you have special needs that require the assistance of a “helper” animal? Imagine a world where, rather than trolling breeder websites and your local animal shelter for the perfect pet, you can simply order one, custom-made, online. Gone will be the days when families return pets to shelters or simply leave them on the side of the road because they were not compatible with their family. In the future, filling out a simple questionnaire regarding your lifestyle, family, and desired pet traits will help you “construct” the perfect pet for your individual situation. As gains are made in cloning and gene manipulation, scientists may, one day, be able to “build” custom pets to order. Families with small children could select breeds with infinite patience and a gentle nature. The elderly could choose breeds and are most inclined to assist them with household activities, incorporating the traits from individual pets that were naturally intelligent and genetically-inclined to help those in need. Tailoring pets to the specific needs and temperaments of their owners would enable humans and animals to further strengthen the bonds that already tie us so closely to our four-legged friends. 

6. Wireless Online Eyewear


Forget computers, which are conspicuous, bulky, and a pain to lug around. Scientists have recently announced a breakthrough in contact lenses that allow their wearer to watch television broadcast on the inside of their contact lenses. The technology for such futuristic eyewear is relatively simple and inexpensive, fuelling hopes that such inventions will be available in the near future. But what if we were able to view more than television in such a private manner? What if we were able to surf the web, watch movies, read books, even monitor home webcams without the rest of the world knowing it, all if it shown to us and us alone on the inside of special contact lenses? Recent scientific developments suggest that such a future is not far off. 

5. Personalized Homes


Several minutes before you return home from a two-week vacation, the heat in your home, which has been turned off while you were gone, kicks in and regulates the temperature of your home just the way you like it: a cool 66 degrees. The porch light clicks on and soft lighting and music fill your home, as does the scent of vanilla, your favorite. In the kitchen, the coffee begins brewing, perfectly-timed to be ready for consumption the moment you walk in the door. Your children’s rooms, where your son and daughter will soon be fast asleep, return to their standard night-time temperature of 70 degrees, slightly warmer than the rest of your home. Because your son suffers from allergies, a de-humidifier runs constantly. Without being instructed, a warm bath begins to run in the master bedroom. Sound too good to be true? It shouldn’t. The technology for such a home already exists and has been employed in experimental homes and the residences of the super-rich. In the future, such personalization of homes will be available to the general public, allowing each of us to put a little more of “us” into our homes. 

4. On-Demand Medical Diagnosis


The health care crisis is over. No more $30,000 medical bills, Put your medical card back in your wallet, because in this day and age the internet will cure whatever ails you. Tired of waiting for lab results or sitting in the doctor’s office? Just put your hand on the screen, allow the computer to scan it against an online medical database, and voila! The computer spits out your correct disease. And guess what’s waiting for you at the local pharmacy. Yes, your medicine is given to you by a smiling pharmaceutical machine. Human errors are negated, health care insurance and mal-practice lawsuits drop, and the need for an expensive doctor or pharmacists are eliminated. We are closer to this invention then you might think. Take a look at such websites as While such online health information is basic in nature, this idea has already captured the imagination of healthcare practitioners. In order to implement such medical diagnosis, we must create a system to accurately identify pathogens and defects in the human body and overcome and a host of legal and business issues to make this invention a reality. 

3. Downloadable Knowledge


Welcome to the world of accelerated super-fast information upload. All your problems are solved. Throw away your books and plug your brain into the internet. Become a master cook, learn kung fu, or learn 20 other foreign languages. Learn to be a master craftsmen 10,000 times faster than learning it on your own. Imagine 5-year old children walking around with college degrees and having an interesting conversation with a 1-year old infant. Learning at such a rate could be an absolute miracle, advances in science would occur at such an exponential rate that the government would have to place some control over what is downloaded. Imagine a future in which the average high school graduate knows more information than a full-fledged scientist in the 20th century. Suppose this were possible. Would the brain retain the information or would practice still be required to polish the skills learned? The brain would need to decide what is needed, what to discard, and, in the event that the data expires, would the brain be able to forget the information? 

2. Super Vitual Reality


Visit any place you ever wanted to visit without setting foot out of your house. Feel, see, smell the beach in Brazil, the Desert in Africa, the pyramids in Egypt, the scorching cold in the north pole. Even visit places you may not want to visit in real life, such as the inside of a supermax prison or an expedition to the South Pole. Imagine immersing yourself into a fast action movie, running away from killer dinosaurs in Jurassic park, being chased by robots in terminator, or even stepping into your favorite video game. This technology has long been out of the sc-fi books and in technological laboratories. Cognitive powerhouses around the world are developing this technology as you read this article. Virtual Reality is being developed in the military to train US soldiers for combat complete with visual, audio, and olfactory sensations. With graphics technology improving at the current rate, we may see this technology achieved and marketed in this century. As with every piece of new technology, the potential for abuse exists. Such programs could be used to commit adultery with an unwilling participant without even touching the other person, rigged to inflict pain on another, or even used to collect private and confidential information. Considering this, perhaps the biggest question is not whether we are capable of producing such technology, but whether our society is ready for it. 

1. Teleportation


Picture the ultimate instant gratification machine where you can buy something from a website and have instantly delivered to your house through a transfer of atoms across the wire. Imagine a world where you can instantly email a package to anyone in the world at the speed of light. A portable teleport device, one that you can carry with you everywhere you go, could allow you to receive anything you wanted instantly from anyone in the world, no matter where you go. Although a device like this would solve many problems in today’s world, it would open up a whole new can of worms if it fell into the wrong hands. Terrorists could email guns, bombs, and nuclear weapons around the world in an instant. And while such an invention would probably spell the end of certain industries such as shipping and delivery services, it would most likely create an infinite need for people to man the new technology.