
Top 10 Most Disturbing Celebrities

Who are the most disturbed celebrities? Well, the list could be endless but here is a compilation of the top deranged people in today’s news. From crazy disturbing photos, alcohol and drug abuse, family neglect and violence, to failed relationships and rehab centers. These are just a few reasons why these celebrities landed at the […]

Top 10 Sexually Inappropriate Moments in Disney Films

There’s a long tradition of Disney animators and story creators sneaking sexual messages or imagery into their animation. Legend says it goes back to the days of the Disney shorts, when artists were upset that they were not given on-screen credits. Since then, even though artists get due credit, it’s still a tradition for overworked […]

Top 10 Well Written Adult Films

As taboo as the Adult Entertainment Industry is considered, its revenue speaks volumes.  It is one of the highest grossing industries in the country.  Some even believe that it holds enough power to have decided the outcome between the Blu-Ray and HD DVD war to be on top.  If you’re looking for some with the […]

Top 10 Kept Husbands/Boyfriends

There is always talk about women who have married men with money for suspicious reasons or just to live a certain lifestyle. Well, there are definitley some men in the wolrd that many would look at and call “kept”. These men often have nothing until they hook up with a woman of financial substance. Yet, […]

Top 10 Well Written Songs

There are people in the world who will tell you that music is a window to the soul and in so many ways that statement can be true. Music touches on emotion, it can make you feel happy or sad and sometimes both at the same exact time. Without lyrics music is a simple melody […]

Top 10 African Video Games

Most of the games made in Africa are single platform and the most popular platform is PC due to cost. Even that can be a challenge for African game developers because of slow internet and the lack of the availability of technology of the player. Yet the developers persevere. The criteria of the list isn’t […]

Top 15 Difficult Popular Songs to Sing

We sing some of our favorite songs in our car, in the shower or while exercising without thinking about getting the tone or timing right. It takes many hours of breathing exercises to hold notes that are on par with the great voices in the world. Sometimes, difficult training is not enough, you must be […]

Top 10 Badass Fiction/Nonfiction Fights that you can’t Imagine

Head to head showdowns is what you will find in this article. From grandmasters of martial arts schools to military super powers flexing their muscle. I have always loved the intensity of the atomosphere where two very powerful entities go toe to toe with each other. Enjoy 10. Jackie Chan vs Hwang Jang Lee Snake […]

Top 10 SNES Video Games for Kids

These days, with computers, Playstation 3, X Box and other new, high tech game platforms, computer and video games are more realistic than ever. Three dimensional graphics, unprecedented game play and a lot of other fancy features have meant that gaming is no longer for kids. It’s a grown up favorite too. The trouble is, […]

10 Games Children Can Play Outdoors

We now live in a world with internet, widescreen TV’s, X-box’s, and cell phones. Although these are wonderful and entertaining bits of technology, they do come at a cost. The latest generation is growing up with a serious lack of social skills. There is a very noticeable drop in physical activity as well. As a […]

Top 10 Tips to Win at Chess

Chess looks interesting, gets a lot of good press, and makes people look smart when they play. That’s the general impression anyway. But it turns out to be a complete mystery when you try to play for the first time. The truth is that to win in chess you have to see as far into […]

Best 70′s and 80′s R&B and Soul Songs

Old School songs of the 70′s and 80′s have always been my favorite. It seems like every time I listen to oldies I always find a forgotten masterpiece hardly anyone has hard before. I have chosen my personal favorites, these are simply the best i have heard on any music bests list and some of […]