10 Reasons Why the East Coast is Better Than the West Coast
Suggested by SMSWhich coast is better: the East Coast or the West Coast?
Both have their advantages and drawbacks, and in many areas it is a close call. But in the end, the East Coast wins the contest. Here are ten reasons why everybody knows the East Coast dominates the West Coast…
10. The East Coast is Real
Think about what the West Coast (most notably California) is most known for. Hollywood, the silver screen, plastic surgery, perceived low work ethic, trendy, and superficial notions. The West Coast is fake. People there are laid back to the point where they get virtually nothing done, and no work ethic is exhibited, trends and styles change on a whim based on whatever the latest celebrity or designer says, plastic surgery is modifying people’s bodies at an all-time high rate, and Hollywood dominates the ideology of much of the area. The East Coast could not be more opposite than that. People there are workaholics, often putting in over 60 hours at their place of work in order to either keep up with competition or rise up the corporate ladder. Most people are genuine and it is easy to tell what kind of person they are upon first meeting them. Drugs and crimes do not run rampant across entire regions in the east as they do in the west, and celebrities do not run the cities. I mean, come on, Arnold Schwarzenegger is the governor of California! The Governor! I can’t take a state, or in this case, coast seriously when its major attraction gives all its power to a movie star.
9. Accents and Dialects
What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever heard a West Coast native say? Hella? “Mad *insert adjective of choice here*”? Maybe some abbreviation that’s indecipherable to anyone outside California? That’s what I thought. Get real folks. Everyone knows the East Coast has better words native to its lands, and oh by the way, have you ever heard a west coaster talk with an accent or dialect? I didn’t think so. Not like they do in the east. Massachusetts has had its famed “wicked” and over-exaggerated “ahhhh” sound demonstrated throughout history to the point that everyone instantly knows it. States south of Virginia exhibit the so-called “southern drawl” that has been made famous by country music and barbeques everywhere. New Yorkers even somehow manage to insert the letters “o” and “w” into nearly every word in the dictionary: New Yawrk (New York), cawffee (coffee), wawter (water), wawrk (work). Every region in the east has its own dialect or accent to its credit, and while not really contributing anything tangible to society, it sure makes thing interesting and unique, something the West Coasters cannot duplicate.
8. Variety
As mentioned before, on the East Coast it is possible to drive through numerous states in a matter of hours. While on this journey one can see another fact that makes the East Coast better than the west: variety. Variety in people, places, culture, history, and diversity. What’s great about the east is that it’s not just northern California and So Cal and then Washington and Oregon, it’s a mishmash of different kinds of people and those differences are reflected in their states. Florida is a haven for vacationers and retirees; North and South Carolina for their delightful mix of beach life and southern zest; New Jersey (a.k.a. the “Dirty Jerz”) is infamous for the attitudes of its residents; New York is the city that never sleeps and where everything happens at an amazingly fast pace; Massachusetts and Connecticut are sports nuts and the backbone of America’s academia; Vermont and New Hampshire have their share of “hippies” and cows; and Maine – well, the moose and lobster live up there. Every state offers something completely different than the last, and there are so many more opportunities to experience the world within this great country on the East Coast.
7. Shorter International Travel
Want to travel outside the US? Care to try your hand in Britain or France? Maybe Germany and Italy are more your style. Mexico, Canada, South America, and Africa are also at your fingertips. Live on the East Coast and travel to Europe is easy. Hop on a plane in virtually every major city and you will find yourself cruising at 20,000ft over the smaller of the two major oceans, right into the vacation of your dreams. Settle in the west and, yes you can still travel internationally, but only to the likes of Mexico, Australia, Japan, China, or the Philippines. While some of these places are undoubtedly nice travel destinations, the facts remain that more vacationers travel to Europe than to China or Japan, and with the proximity to our eastern neighbors, why not go pay them a visit?
6. Statistically… the East is the Best
Look up any database that compiles and categorizes statistics by state, and you will see that quite literally, the East Coast is the best of the best. The East Coast has the smartest state (Vermont), the biggest city (New York City), the richest state (Connecticut), lowest obesity rate (ALL of New England), best dressed (New York, Connecticut, Washington D.C, and Boston) and more. It’s the biggest, most clever, and most physically fit. Oh and not to mention, the president lives on the East Coast. That’s right, the most powerful man on the planet has always chosen to make his residence on the coast with more to offer. As awesome as the governator is, I don’t think that anyone can counter that point, even Arnold.
5. Sports
East Coast sports are better than yours. It’s a fact. Seriously, look at the numbers. East Coast teams have won of the last 17 of the last 23 world championships, and that same number, 17, is the number of NBA titles the Boston Celtics have won in their history. No sport is spared: MLB has seen a team from the east win 5 of the last 7 World Series titles, 8 of the NFL last 10 Super Bowl champions are from the east, even the NHL saw 4 of its last 6 championship teams hoist Lord Stanley’s Cup in victory somewhere on the East Coast. And I’ll do you one better: the Boston Red Sox vs. the New York Yankees. Two of the most storied sports franchises in history, and the most bitter, hated, violent, rivalry that transcends all sports. Even if you’re not a fan you either love or hate one of these two dynasties. The best teams provoke fan reactions no matter what, and this is never truer than in the Bronx for a Game 7 Championship Series. Game over West Coasters. Nothing beats the Yankees and the Sox battling it out every summer. Nothing.
4. Proximity and Size
“They just decided they were sick of drawing border lines so they went, square, square, square, kind of square, Idaho, more squares, and whatever’s left we’ll call California”. This is the conversation I always have with people in regards to geography of the US. It’s no secret that the East Coast is split up hundreds of ways on the map with each state taking the shape of a puzzle piece that must be put together. As you move west, this changes after the likes of Indiana, Michigan, and Missouri. Next time you look at a map consider the above quote and I dare you to disprove it. That being said, the East Coast and all its crazy borders is a good thing. The states are smaller, so there are more of them, which means you can visit many of them in the span of a few days. To drive the entire state of California from tip to tip would take you 15 hours, and you will not leave the state! Drive 15 hours on the East Coast and you could go from Vermont (yes, it’s a state – the one next to New Hampsh…err… New York. No, not the city) to Charlotte, North Carolina. That’s nine states. Nine. Google it if you don’t believe me. There’s so much more to see in the East, and besides, who wants to drive for that long and not even see a single welcome sign?
3. Climate
Ok, ok so here’s where people get confused. “Why would the East Coast ever have a better climate, it gets COLD there! I mean, they have, like, blizzards and ice storms!” First off, yes, it does snow a good amount in the East. Blizzards roll through and ice storms ravage the area with bitter cold temperatures far into the negative values. But the crazy thing, and part of what makes the East so unique, is that the people there, particularly those in New England, will tell you they love it and can’t imagine life otherwise. East Coasters from Maine all the way through parts of Florida expect to be cold for anywhere from 2-7 months of the year, and it’s just sort of accepted. People either embrace it and do things like ski or snowshoe, or they, well, leave; they travel to places like Florida or California. Those who hate the cold find ways to avoid it. And hey, nobody ever said fireplaces weren’t inviting on a -40 degree day. Second, there’s something else to be said for all the weather the East Coast receives: it happens. 4 unique and distinctly separate seasons are a major part of what makes the East so appealing. Spring, summer, autumn/fall, and winter, these are the four yearly seasons for those of you in sunny So Cal or rainy Seattle who forget that there actually are four of them. Which one is the best? Take your pick; spring gives new life to the year and offers a break from those stricken with cabin fever from the cold, summer is still summer, autumn offers a bloom of color on the landscape along with tasty treats from newly ripe apples, and winter, daunting as it may seem, can be a lot of fun if you make the effort. I know a few West Coasters who have changed their mind about the snow once they experience all you can do in it.
2. History
You can’t throw a stone on the East Coast and not hit something of historical value, (unless you’re in, say, West Virginia or something). The East coast is drenched in history, and for good reason. The East has the first British colony ever settled on North America (Jamestown, VA), the first state admitted to the Union (Delaware), the first University (Harvard 1636), the first daily newspaper (Pennsylvania Packet and General Advertiser, Philadelphia, 1784) and about a hundred other things. Of course this is not exactly fair to the West Coast, as the US was settled by Europeans, but it remains true nonetheless. From its traditional, 200-year-old, red and white brick buildings and picturesque city streets to the harbors, libraries, and countryside, the East Coast is history. After all, it’s pretty cool to know that when you step foot in Philadelphia, you are just a few short blocks from where this country was founded. Sorry California, you just can’t compete with that.
1. Sunrises
Who doesn’t love a good sunrise? Well, if you’re from anywhere other than the East Coast, you may not have had the luxury of seeing a true sunrise in all its majesty. Let me just say there’s nothing like it. If you’re fortunate enough to live on the tidal coast or have mountains nearby, you are the lucky few who get this opportunity. Sure, anyone can see a sunrise so long as they get up early enough. It doesn’t matter where you are, the sun always comes up. Well, of course, but until you experience the sheer natural beauty; the sudden and immediate change from darkness to twilight and finally to daylight; the yellow and orange of the sun mixing with the blue and green of the waters and mountains; until you see it for yourself, you can’t ever say you’ve seen a sunrise as good as the ones on the East Coast. Camp out at the top of a mountain and watch as the rays of warmth from the sun slowly creep over the valley below for the first time, or take a loved one to the beach and lie in the sand as the light and color engulf your bodies. I assure you, it’s breathtaking. Not to mention – when the sun rises on the East, it rises on America. It begins a new day, week, month, or year, and offers a fresh start from any troubles past. If that’s not awesome symbolism then I don’t know what is.
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FYI… the photo used for the "historical" paragraph is of the Hearst Castle… in San Simeon, California.
— Thanks for pointing that out
Too bad "Sassy" is wrong..
People should at least learn about their Nation's Capital!
Right…San Simeon, which was built in the 1930s after what was popular and fashionable in the Hamptons and Newport, RI 30-50 years before that. For that matter, much of the architectural elements in San Simeon are actually taken from historic structures in Europe and the East, and installed there.
it thoroughly upsets me that maryland or baltimore were not mentioned once in this entire list. we are tiny, yes, but still a major part of the east coast. Maryland is referred to as “Little America” because, in our little state, it’s possible to take a sail on the Chesapeake Bay, hike Appalachian mountain trails, hit the town and the shops at Baltimore’s Inner Harbor, and explore the rural beauty of the Eastern Shore.
In NYC we sail the Atlantic, have fifty-million different types of restaurants, take long walks, shop at fifty million stores, attend fashion shows, all this while we're thinking, talking and walking fast, and simultaneously braving all the elements political and otherwise.
lol, west coast has better technology, green energy technology, bio-tech, movie industry
For those people who think that the picture in the historical paragraph is from San Simeon… Wrong, that picture the entrance to the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia Pennsylvania. If you don't believe me look up "Franklin Institute on google and compare to the picture on this page.
P.S. And yes, I'm from the East Coast. Specifically Connecticut.
having lived on both coasts for a good amount of time, the West Coast definitely wins.
shawn, open mouth insert foot. the photo under the historical section has no writing on the base of the triangle,(in honor of ben franklin blah blah blah) the roof is actually square on the institute(above the triangluar front truss) The are three openings in this pic and only on on the institute, as well the said egardens where the trees grow over the stairs are further outset from the building…… now with all things said… i would have to say there must obviously be a higher level of education on the west coast, probably better in backwood Louisiana…..
Sorry to break it to you but the state with the lowest adult obesity rate is actually Colorado. Also why would being more populated be a good thing? More people = more pollution and less open space sounds like a nightmare to me!
This article is filled with ill-informed stereotypes showing that the biased author has never actually lived in the West.
10) This one cracks me up: "People there are laid back to the point where they get virtually nothing done, and no work ethic is exhibited" …???? California has the #1 economy in the US, and has for several decades. It would be in the top 10 of all economies on earth if it were its own country. It has the #1 agriculture globally. Funny, the author didn't even mention Silicon Valley: The home of thousands of high technology companies including Apple, Intel, Adobe, Google, Yahoo, HP, eBay, Sandisk, etc. etc. etc. (Not to mention the academic achievements of Stanford and UC Berkeley). The very computer your using right now has components designed in California. It has mostly high tech industry as opposed to manufacturing, thus the overload of blue-collar work hours noted in the East. Also, if you look at the bios of Hollywood celebs… most come from the east coast, or other parts of the world.
9) An argument for accents… really? Obviously the author was having a hard time coming up with debatable points to defend the east coast.
8) Variety… excluding Hawaii, California has the top 4 most racially diverse cities in the US, and 8 out of the top 10.
7) Travel: Totally irrelevant. If you compare airline prices, most of the time, they are about the same, regardless of airtime (because planes are priced based on location to major hubs). Flying an extra couple of hours is well worth the rest of your life spent on the ground in a nicer place.
6) Statistically… if higher population were better, wouldn't you rather be living in Tokyo or Mexico City? Regarding health, 8 of the top 10 healthiest cities are in the West, with San Jose, CA as #1. http://www.bestplaces.net/docs/studies/healthy.as…
5) Sports: Again, irrelevant information. It's not like the professional players themselves are originally from the area where they were drafted (with the exception of hockey). It's a business, they go where they are paid the most. East coast teams must need them more, so they pay more. (…the SF Giants just won the world series with one of the lowest budgets in the baseball).
4) Proximity: you can also look at it the other way: Why did they split the east coast up into so many irrational border lines?? And besides,didn't the British do that? They were used to dividing small portions from their small island. At some point, we realized there was actually enough space on the continent to just relax and divide states in a more practical manner.
3) Weather: Does this really need refuting? This is another desperate argument. Besides, California has the Sierra Nevadas. In just a few hours, coastal residents (e.g. San Franciscans) can be snowboarding or skiiing to their hearts delight, and be back home for work by Monday.
2) Are you only counting US history? There was life here before that, you know. It's time to review your pre-1776 history. E.g. LA has prehistoric finds in their La Brea tar pits: I don't think mammoths lived when Philadelphia was founded. The Spanish settled California, which contains the oldest military establishment in north America (in SF), controlled by 3 countries, Spain, Mexico, and the US. The Russians came down the West coast and established settlements long before the pilgrims arrived in the east.. and I'm sure the cold Russians were much more relieved to discover beautiful CA sun than what the poor pilgrims found in the New England winter… Thanksgiving is celebrated just based on the fact that they survived the east at all.
1) Sunset.
And what they won't say about San Jose CA, (Santa Clara Co.)is that it also has one of the highest number of pedophiles and sexual deviates(sexual offenders) Also San Jose is where everyone who is not from U.S. comes to, to take from the U.S.
Not just San Jose, but California is home to the most pedophiles!! also pregnant wife murderers and just weird people!!!!
and you have Sandusky and Fine. Really, you counted the number of pedophiles in the East and West. What a great life you must lead while we are laying back in CA.
First of all i live in the Bay Area but grew up on both coasts…..Calif is a pedophile haven and those who live here know it’s the truth (but dont wont to admit to it)..all you have to do is go to any sex offender list in CA…..nuff said!!!! Oh and and it’s not black men who’s doin it either (it’s white men and women) look at all the teachers who are having sex their students…that’s also at an all time high in CA……
CA isn’t even CA any longer …the asians and indians have taken it over….
So yeah the west coast wins if you’re a pedophile, rich, or a new immigrant coming to the US to take from the US…and kill American patriotism!!!
beautiful response.
i am from new york state i like east coast i do agree with most of the stuff on here but the weather i hate the cold and snow durning the winter i get a shitload of snow were i live ( saratoga area) i really would'nt mind go to the west coast especially southern california for the winter
@ John. Los Angeles is the most polluted city in the country!!!! And for everyone. Half of the people in Los Angeles are Illegal!!! Literally!!!!!! Also the east coast has Harvard and Yale and all the Ivy League Colleges!!!! So if your going to make assumptions off of one person then you need to study your facts!!!! Base thing off of the Majority not one person!!!!!! So go take your Illegal Superficial Homosexual Frisco butt back to California!!!! Where people go to escape Mexico and move to Than Franthithco!!!!!
I thought the east coast would be more cultured and deeper intellectually than the west coast. In theory, this should be true; however, this is far from true. People here don’t act like they are any more cultured than anywhere else. They fall back on their image much more often than being actually smarter or tougher than people from other places.
There are plenty of easterners who use higher degrees primarily to control how people perceive them, but these same people are often extremely ignorant and jaded. I've been introduced to more racists here than I ever did visiting the South. Even people who call themselves liberals and do-gooders can be surprisingly conditioned to judge based on race without knowing anything about a person.
Many people I’ve met in Philadelphia and New York use hefty alliances (aka gangs) to intimidate new people in the office. It’s laughable, sometimes. You want to slap the shit out of these people because they can’t recognize how toxic they are. So much for the outspoken, fearless easterner — meet the passive-aggressive dips**t. I don’t understand how westerners can be constantly bashed for being “fake” when easterners are some of the fakest, back-stabbing, cowards I have ever met. They will attempt to confuse you by being an asshole one day and syrupy sweet the next and actually think they’re getting over on you. People like this must’ve been told their whole lives that a degree from Harvard is all you need, so they don’t attempt to incorporate living culture.
Reina, you are speaking the ABSOLUTE truth. I'm from NYC but have lived in SO Cali for over 11 years but now im back in ny. The east coast (NY in particular) has some of the fakest people you will ever encounter. NY just can not compare to California when it comes to quality of life. Also cali people are much nicer. Do what you gotta do and go back to the west lol, thats what im trying to do.
I'm currently living in CA, and they do the same stuff out here.
Other than the schools and the food, I would not stay here. It’s a great place to get an education, to party; autumn is beautiful; but you can always visit. I’d rather have the wind in my hair and the sun warming my toes than living in the muggy or freezing cold east. I mean, how many people can you tell to f**k off in a day? Some of them can do it all day long in a million different forms, but I’d rather not.
I’m sorry it’s such a bad life out there. come back out west!
The East Coast is better. The only thing that I can give to the West Coast, and reall just S Cal; not even the whole west coast, is its weather. It has warm-dry weather which a little more comfortable that warm-humid. The only problem is the summers on the east-coast can get pretty uncomfortable because of the combination of extreme heat and extreme humidity. When it comes to all of the other seasons the east-coast wins because it has all of the southern United States which recieves perfectly warm weather with absolutely no snow; oh, and we actually have GRASS here. So in short, the only thing better about the West Coast is a short 3 month period during the year. The East Coast is the center of the United States and everyone knows it. We actually get shit done here unlike all of you artsy-fartsy faggots out west. Just look at where all of the athletes in professional sports are from. On the East-coast we actually like and play sports unlike you fudge-packers out west. You don't have any athleticism whatsoever out there. And where are all of the movies that you f**kers in Hollywood make set in? THE EAST COAST. Why? Because the east-coast is the REAL America.
It is all REAL America. Some people are just louder about who they think they are on the east, so it only seems that they get more done. The east coast is not the center of the U.S. for everyone, that's for sure. If you want to be the center of your own asshole though, that is fine.
You are clearly uneducated. Northwestern America is even greener and lusher than the east coast. Have you ever been to Seattle, or Western Oregon?? it rains ALL the time, and the grass is green YEAR ROUND.
I mean, sure, LA is a world-class city and a great place to go and party and get-laid and shit, but its not a place that anyone actually takes seriously when it comes to getting down to business. And lets not forget about all of the fucking illegal spics you have there.
The east coast is garbage. A bunch of Italian/faggot rude fucks driving 90 mph, honking at everything, booing their own sportsteams, crowding into compacted states. Suck a dick East coast and don't even THINK about moving out to the West coast, we'll kill your asses.
sounds like you just dont like italians…and saying u'll kill us really makes the west coast look even better huh? doubt it
I would have to agree with Izzy. I'm guessing you had one bad experience with an "Italian/faggot" driving somewhere in one of the northern states on the East Coast? Let me tell you, that is not how everyone on the East Coast is. Just because one thing may have happened doesn't mean you can generalize it to the rest of the states. Just because everyone I see on TV from the West coast looks like a bunch of ignorant/uneducated hippies, doesn't mean I think everyone over there is like that. Well, you are only confirming that image, so who knows.
I Was raised on both the west and east coast, they both have their own identity!! First of all California is broke, yet very expensive, definitely a police state (and we all know who the police target and harrass the most), It is very diverse, (but it's a racist diversity)- there are alot of illegals- which affect wage and employment- there are more pedophiles(child abductions, molestations and child murders) and alot of homelessnes! People are more fake. But the quality of living is better, even the bad neighborhood don't look as bad as the bad neighborhoods on the east coast. Now the east is older and the cities are far more decrepit. The people are more direct (less sugar coating), housing is affordable, alot less homelessness, you can have a regular job and afford your own rent/mortgage.(it has much larger black communities and some of the racist things some people get away with out west will get your head handed to you on the east coast) Usually the police on the east coast dont just stop, for no reason unless your doing something wrong(usually)!!East coast is affordable.( the west coast has great weather, wine, weed and women)but it's gonna cost you!! Those are just some of the differences, i like both coasts but for different reasons— the grass isn't always greener on the other side they both have their pluses and minuses!!! I would have to go with east coast because thats where most of m family and friends are!! I dont really think one is better then the other— i think they're just totally different. What works on the east coast is not gonna work on the west and vice versa!!!
I too have lived on both coasts and I agree with you about everything except the cops part. I have experienced more racial prof on the west coast from police… And more racism period for that matter. Both coasts have their pluses and minuses. West coast people arn’t really “nicer” than east coast people they just communicate in a different way.
I live in Chicago and traveled all around the U.S, No one gives a shit about Vermont,N.H,Conetticunt and all those dead states wit no attractions! NYC is great but only Manhattan the rest is Ghetto! im goin to put it easy NYC,Philly and Miami vs LA,SF and SD u decide which is better…If ur lookin 4 skyscrapers theres no place like NYC and Chicago and for Beaches theres no place like Cali trust me South Beach in Miami is nice but Venice,Long Beach and Santa Monica are undescribable!
guys…..speak only if you have lived in east and west….
My roommate and I have been arguing about this for weeks. I admit that I'm having a hard time on the east coast. One day I have a great day here, then I will meet five people that day that leave me hating it. I want to get away from my angst, go walking, but the sun isn't out, or it's cold, or so muggy I breathe thick, moist air. I've always gone outside for lunch, people watched, walked. Here, I sit in my fricken office or in the lunch room. I hate lunch rooms! You get these cliquish east coast wannabes in there that think everything they say – because they are oh so opinionated – you want to hear. I can't find any space to take a real break, so I'm a slave to the office environment or weather. Yeah, the quality of my life has dropped tremenduosly since I've been out east.
Cali's more expensive, but there are so many escapes that the east doesn't have. I also disagree that it's more racist out west. It's racist everywhere, the east coast is no exception. If you are black and doing well, people can act real shitty here.
There is no denying that the East Coast is more racist.
I am a woman of color and have lived in both places… I am going to have to disagree with you on this one
i so agree with jardoz, this is full of stereotypes and this is coming from a real california girl whos lived in Socal all her life. By the way, we have a sunset so you dont have to get up at 5 am to see it
What a joke! East Coast Sucks! Who ever made this thread is extremely misinformed. New York Is a wanna be Las Angeles only performers who really make it end up in LA. The East wishes Atlantic City could even be compared to Las Vegas. If you would like to speak about accents, nobody wants to hear the ridiculously annoying Jersey, Boston, or New York accent. If you want to put people like Dolly Pardon and Reba MaCentire in the West Coast category you are once again mistaken. That would be the south my friend, Which is still a significant amount better then the East Coast. Sports is a fantastic topic to bring up for this debacle. You are very correct that the East has one more professional championships, but where do you think all the good players come from? That would be the west. Look at any high school rankings for football, baseball, even basketball. Sure hockey you might win for now because the market for it here just isn't backed yet. Other then that the East will absolutely win in sports like soccer and lacrosse, congratulations nobody cares
If you ask me Any City on the East Coast will loose to just about any city on the West Coast in one way or another in any kind of comparisons. Pure Jealousy is the answer to why this thread was created because the East just cant stand up to the West in any way what so ever.
Not to mention West Coast girls are second to none! If you would like to see some all out dime pieces the West is where its at!
Representing The West out of Phoenix, Arizona!
Lebron James is from Ohio, Dwight Howard is from Georgia, Chris Paul is from North Carolina, Dwayne Wade is from Illinois, Kevin Durant is from Washington DC, Kobe Bryant is from Pennsylvania, Derrick Rose is from Illinois, Deron Williams is from West Virginia, and the best of all time, Michael Jordan, is from New York.
This thread is hilarious! Makes me love both east and west coast! LOL… HAHAHAHA Yuz mothafucas ain't leavin' nothin' unsaid!
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Maryland was just promoted to the richest state! I believe the East Coast dominates the top twenty or so
Absolute absurdity.
Blah, blah, blah. Typical snobby East Coaster. If the East Coast is so great, explain the tons of transplants out here in L.A. They tell me the weather in California is second to none and that’s why they moved here. Los Angeles has great ethnic food, beaches, mountains with plenty of nice neighborhoods.
NY has a ton of transplants as well. the west coast has Seattle, Oakland and LA… the other cities are just clones of these 3 (unless u wanna count vegas). The east coast has Boston, New York, Phili, Newark/Jersey City, D.C., Baltimore, Richmond, Atlanta, Charlotte, Columbia, Tallahassee, and Miami. All of these cities are very different and u can get from one city to the next in a couple hours unlike the west coast. When you say west coast, LA comes to your mind because nothing else can compare. When you say east coast, most of the listed cities above comes to your mind.
I’m from D.C.
The West Coast, however, has the highest amount of spoken languages in the country. We’re very diverse (and no, NY is not more diverse than us)
A lot of us wish we could separate from you guys. We’re sick of East Coasters bossing us around and acting like they’re superior.
East coast is sh1t coast. I hate it heart with the deepest darkest part of my heart (other than the south). Bunch of rude cliquesh a-holes. Cant wait to move out west. Only thing I kinda hate about the west is the fact that people move slow as hell.
No west coaster would take the time to compile such self-congratulatory list like this in the first place.
West Coast to fullest. The west is full of open minded, accepting people who don’t care to judge someone based on where they reside. Different atmospheres are suitable to different people & that’s okay! The West Coast has an extremely laid back feeling, which I can tell you any west coaster LOVES. This does not indicate any lack of work ethic. People get plastic surgery everywhere, being from the west doesn’t mean you will have any body modifications done, being from the east does not mean you won’t. Personally, I couldn’t ever even think about leaving the west, because it’s what I’m used to and what I love. Different strokes for different folks, right? Spread the love inside of trying to segregate us even more than we already are.
The West Coast consists of Portland, Seattle, and San Francisco too. Most of the West Coast has a very different character than Los Angeles. We aren’t plastic and fake. North westerners are actually more cold and standoffish. We’re smart.
The West Coast has the same climate as West Europe. The east coast however has a Russian and East Europe type climate.
Rainy Seattle is akin to Rainy London.
Sunny Los Angeles is akin to Sunny Spain.
Snowy Boston is akin to Snowy Moscow.
Please stop associating “west coasters” with SoCal…we’re not all like them. In fact most people north of Monterey, California “hate” SoCal just because East Coasters stereotype us with THEM.
The West Coast certainly has history. San Francisco, Monterey, and Los Angeles were founded in the 1700s.
I’m guessing there are more major cities and therefore more teams on the east coast. So that kind of destroys that theory.
A statician can figure it out.
Anyway, I think what is “better” is dependent on opinion and what one finds ideal. Therefore, there of course is never a right answer.
I don’t think you’ve ever seen how majestic a SUNSET could be over the ocean, huh? That one point alone might change your mind.
Yes the east coast is “real”, but maybe too real. I’ve had friends in the customer service field that have spoken to the most rude and rageful miserables and guess where they were all from? The east coast. “Real” doesn’t mean happy.. it appears they are anything but and the city life/congestion can do that to you.
u mad bro? they say the west coast is more relaxed.. you make a strong case that its not and im sure youve never been on the east coast before
Being from the east, now living in the west dying to go back, people here in the west are so uptight ,judgmental and cut throat, diversity, what diversity, There’s plenty of mexican culture and food….just not much of the rest unless you travel far. food slathered in hot sauce, chili powder and jalapeno’s….guess the heat outside 24/7 isn’t enough for people here they have to burn the taste buds,their insides plus there butt holes off too match their surly attitudes. Next month can’t come fast enough Good riddance Arizona, and my previous hell hole New mexico adios to expensive prices , poor quality of living , lack of diversity , god I can’t wait to get HOME away from the hell hole west.
I think the west coast is better. I am a female from the west coast and the fishing sucks on the east coast. The deer hunting sucks on the east coast. The deer on the west coast is leaner and bigger. We shoot moose on the west coast. We can clam dig most of the time on the west coast. The east coast u cant. The east coast people are not true to their beliefs in society. West coast people are and always will be and we dont have drama.
Why don’t you point out the bad things about the east coast?
1. Bugs, bugs, bugs.. mosquitoes, asian tiger mosquitoes… you name it they got the virus.. (Honestly the last time I saw a mosquitoe was 25 years ago in the west coast) Bugs carry all kinds of diseases.. west nile, ebola.. you got all that in the east coast.
2. Ancient, ancient houses that were built around the turn of the last century 1900s… where radon leaks (causes cancer) are everywhere.
3. Most east coast sub-urb cities has numerous, I mean numerous superfund sites.. New Jersey is practically sitting on over 200 superfund sites.. I mean houses are built on top these sites.. (google it!)
4. The ugly.. ugly.. ugly bare brick look that so many east coast building have! You know that bare red brick look that looks like a brick oven!
5. Down right rude people that don’t want to repeat what they said a second time.
6. Way more corruption, champion of the good old boy network, a lot more under the table dealings!
7. I’d like to drive my v8 thank you! Don’t want to live in manhattan where I have to rely on public transit.
8. Hurricanes, floods, tornadoes.. (but I do love the snow, I’ll admit that) ah.. oh yes… 100 degree weather and 100% humidity.. nice Boston weather! Snow shovelling.. wait that might be actually fun!
9. “Life is a race”.. “what can you do for me attitude”.. Most people have a short fuse
10. Way too many people still stuck in a mentality that is 20-30 years old! Everyone smokes! Coming from California I need a gas mask. Everywhere you go, everyone has a “hand out”… tip here, tip there.. traffic!..
I can really go on and on and on
Both the East and West coast have their benefits and downsides. But personally, I prefer having all the stores at a walking distance and I love staring up at the skyscrapers- Excelsior. Lastly,I suggest you read “Outliers” for the benefits of directness.
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10 Reasons Why the East Coast is Better Than the West Coast
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10 Reasons Why the East Coast is Better Than the West Coast
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10 Reasons Why the East Coast is Better Than the West Coast
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10 Reasons Why the East Coast is Better Than the West Coast
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10 Reasons Why the East Coast is Better Than the West Coast